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The 9 Steps

Need help navigating your way in the post-separation world?

Download Our Free E-Book

We cover:

  • The nine steps of negotiating a property settlement
  • The law of property division
  • How assets are divided
  • And lots of tips and hints to prepare you before you see a lawyer.

Sorting out your property after separation is distressing and overwhelming, especially if you’ve never done it before.

We are firm believers in everyone being able to get the help they need with their separation, or any family law matter, and the hefty fees of hiring a lawyer shouldn’t prevent this.

Before assuming a lawyer is out of the question to help finalise your separation, we encourage you to schedule a free no obligation 15 minute chat so you can get an idea of what’s involved in sorting out your family law matter, and the costs expected.

We pride ourselves on being the quality but affordable family law experts in Cairns, so you might be surprised at just how affordable Collier Family Law is. And if you don’t decide to go with us, you’ll at least walk away with some free advice from a lawyer with 20+ years experience in the industry.

Legal Family Lawyers - Book for Legal Cairns Lawyers

Get your free copy of the

“9 steps of negotiating a property settlement.”

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  • "Nardine and the team at Collier Family Law were a dream to work with. They assisted me through quite a trying time with absolute professionalism and I highly recommend their services."

  • Highly recommend Collier Family Law as value for money. Their willingness to advise & communicate on important issues, on occasion outside of normal hours, was greatly appreciated as was their personal touch. Thank You to all those involved for both my Family and recent Conveyancing work undertaken.

  • Highly recommend Collier Family Law as value for money. Their willingness to advise & communicate on important issues, on occasion outside of normal hours, was greatly appreciated as was their personal touch. Thank You to all those involved for both my Family and recent Conveyancing work undertaken.

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